Kamis, 05 Mei 2016

Lose Weight With Apps

Without you do not go out the door and you always have it on hand: your mobile phone. Therefore, it is an ideal tool to attack it off. If you have a smartphone and you want to lose some weight, then the apps Calorie Counter and Diet2go are healthy favorites. Applications also popular Apps are called small little program, several MBs that someone installs it on his smartphone. There are more and more applications in the field of waste, but it is just looking for a good 'waste app. It looks great when an app promises that you do with losing weight two kilos per week, such as Easy Diet . However, the daily recommends no more than two toasted sandwiches with peanut butter, half a grapefruit and some lean meat. This kind of crash diets are not recommended if you want to lose weight in the long term. why not just download the very first litter app you encounter.
Afvallen met apps
calorie Counter
One of the waste apps Calorie Counter that you can easily keep track of what your calorie intake and what you burn energy in a day. On the basis of your weight and height Calorie Counter calculates your average daily energy during rest and sleep. To this, add your activities on that day, like the piece of cycling to work. Whether you workout at the gym.

Simple and clear
You also enter what you ate that day. All foods that are available in the Dutch supermarkets, you can find the calorie counter with the corresponding nutritional value. Through a photo app also recognizes what you've eaten. The diet calendar you will find a convenient table of your daily and monthly calorie balance. Your weight is also recorded in a graph. Calorie Counter you get no advice or rubbish tips, which is a shame. But it gives a lot of insight into your daily exercise and diet. The food diary you can easily see what you have to on a day to get your recommended daily amount of calories.

Diet2go is an English-language app that helps you lose weight. Based on your physical characteristics and activity is an estimate of your weight loss. Then choose a diet that suits you, you can choose from a wide and constantly growing collection of diet plans for every lifestyle, taste and preference. Each diet provides each day at meals accompanied by full shopping lists and lots of tips and tricks for weight loss. Each week new diet plans.

The Diet2Go plan manager leads you from meal to meal on your personal weight loss plan.
If you like, meal reminders can be integrated into the calendar of your phone. Also, Twitter and Facebook integrated Diet2Go. Also, you can join an expanded forum on weight loss. Altogether Diet2Go offers many opportunities to a diet that suits you, to sustain.